5 Things To Do Before And After Cataract Surgery

Most people who have scheduled cataract surgery are nervous about the surgery itself, and look forward to the recovery period that follows. Although this is an entirely natural attitude, patients with cataracts should know that there are many things they should be doing both before and after the surgery. Read on below to discover just five things that you can do to better prepare for (and better recover from) cataract surgery.

The First Gynecology Visit | A Parent's Guide

Some women will tell you that being a boy would have been a whole lot more simple as a teenager, and if you are a parent of a teenage girl, it can really drive home this perception. Female adolescents have another step in their medical care that boys will never have to deal with: gynecology. If you are the parent of a teenage daughter, there is no doubt that the topic of taking her in for her first gynecological exam will be something on your mind.

How Veneers Can Help You Have A Whiter Smile

If you've tried bleaching your teeth and are disappointed with the results, you may want to consider getting veneers. A veneer is a thin resin or porcelain shell that fits over your natural tooth. You can get one tooth treated or several depending on the nature of your stains. You choose the shade of the veneers you get, so you are able to finally have the white teeth you've been trying to achieve.

Oh Poop! 4 Ways To Keep Fecal Matter Off Your Toothbrush

When it comes to your oral hygiene, there is one issue that you might not have thought of – fecal matter on your toothbrush. Sound disgusting? Well, a recent study found that about 60% of the toothbrushes found in a shared bathroom contained fecal matter. The same study found that about 80% of the contaminated toothbrushes contained fecal matter that belonged to someone else. Before you throw your toothbrush away and vow to never brush your teeth again, you should know that there are some simple ways to protect your toothbrush from fecal contamination.

3 Surgical Options For Glaucoma

Glaucoma causes pressure to build up in your eyes, which leads to symptoms such as decreased vision. There is no cure for it, but your doctor can use medications to help ease the symptoms. If those fails, one of the following surgeries could be recommended. Laser Surgery Depending on the severity of your symptoms and the type of glaucoma you have, laser surgery might be an option. Laser surgery is used to treat open-angle glaucoma.