5 Things To Do Before And After Cataract Surgery

Most people who have scheduled cataract surgery are nervous about the surgery itself, and look forward to the recovery period that follows. Although this is an entirely natural attitude, patients with cataracts should know that there are many things they should be doing both before and after the surgery. Read on below to discover just five things that you can do to better prepare for (and better recover from) cataract surgery.

The First Gynecology Visit | A Parent's Guide

Some women will tell you that being a boy would have been a whole lot more simple as a teenager, and if you are a parent of a teenage girl, it can really drive home this perception. Female adolescents have another step in their medical care that boys will never have to deal with: gynecology. If you are the parent of a teenage daughter, there is no doubt that the topic of taking her in for her first gynecological exam will be something on your mind.

3 Cosmetic Procedures To Help Your Skin Look Younger And Healthier

Did you know that taking care of your skin can make you look younger and healthier? A simple treatment for your skin can take years off. Many people have wrinkles and age spots from sun exposure, chemicals and poor care of skin. Luckily, if you have wrinkles or age spots that you are unhappy with, there are some cosmetic procedures that can make your face look younger and healthier: 1. Botox

The Benefits of LASIK Eye Surgery

If you wake up every morning fumbling to find your eyeglasses or to put in your contact lenses, then you should consider the many benefits offered by LASIK eye surgery. Using a laser, an experienced eye surgeon can provide you with significantly improved vision without any further need for external lenses. Below are just a few of the benefits you will get by choosing LASIK. Improved Eyesight Research studies have demonstrated that roughly 95% of those who undergo LASIK surgery will end up with a UCVA (uncorrected visual acuity) of 20/40 or better.

How To Properly Use A Car Seat For Your Child

Every parent knows that car seat use is essential for the safety of their child. Parents have been told in every birthing class, in the hospital, at the pediatrician's office, and many other places that children should be in their car seats while driving. Sadly, even though many parents use car seats, they may not use them correctly. This can be very dangerous seeing that 19% of people who die in car crashes aren't wearing seat belts.