Many children are forced to live with the debilitating symptoms of asthma. Childhood asthma might be preventing your little one from engaging in normal activities like playing outdoors or participating in organized sports.
If you don't like the idea of your child being reliant on an inhaler inside your home, but you want to manage his or her asthma symptoms effectively, here are three things you might want to try in the future.
1. Replace the carpeting in your child's room with hardwood flooring.
One of the most effective ways to manage your child's asthma symptoms inside your home is to avoid triggering an attack in the first place. Since many forms of asthma are triggered by exposure to dust mites, pollen, or pet dander, it can be beneficial to replace the carpeting in your child's room with hardwood flooring to lower your child's allergen exposure risk.
Allergens can become trapped inside the fibers of carpeting, and released when your child walks or plays in his or her room. Having hardwood flooring in your child's room will make it easier to mitigate allergen exposure in the future.
2. Invest in a dehumidifier for your home.
When you want to control your child's asthma symptoms while he or she is inside your home, it can be helpful to have a dehumidifier installed in your home. Moisture in the air can trigger an asthma attack. Researchers have found that environments with greater than 50% humidity can increase the occurrence of symptoms for asthma sufferers.
Humid air has the ability to trap more allergen particles than dry air, and it is heavier and harder for someone with asthma to breathe in. By installing a dehumidifier that will keep the moisture levels in your home's air below 50%, you can help reduce the number of asthma symptoms your child battles inside your home.
3. Install an air filter in your home.
Filtering the air in your home can be beneficial when trying to manage your child's asthma symptoms. Many of the allergens that can trigger an asthma attack are airborne. These contaminants (like insect residue, dust mites, and mold spores) can be lethal when breathed in by your child on a regular basis.
Installing an air filtration system in your home to remove allergens from the air before it is circulated through your living environment can reduce the severity and frequency with which your child battles asthma symptoms in the future.
Managing your child's asthma inside your home doesn't have to be difficult. Replace carpeting, keep humidity low, and filter your air, and you should see an improvement in your child's asthma. Share