4 Health Tips For Pregnant Women

When the pregnancy test indicates positive, your next step should be to look into the proper nutrition to allow your little bundle of joy to grow and develop properly. Doctors recommend a number of nutritional vitamins and supplements to take during your pregnancies that are essential to the development of a healthy baby. This article will touch on some OBGYN approved health steps for pregnant women. 

Take Those Prenatal Vitamins

The most important first step to take is to get on a solid regimen of prenatal vitamins. This mixture contains essential vitamins that you may not get enough of in your regular diet. Prenatal vitamins should contain substantial doses of iron, zinc, vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin E, niacin, calcium, and other vitamins and minerals that will add to the health of your developing child.

Add Folic Acid To Your Diet

Doctors also strongly recommend adding at least 400 micrograms of folic acid to your diet every day as soon as you learn that you're pregnant. This supplement is important because it greatly lowers the chances of the baby developing brain and spine birth defects, the neural tubes to be specific. These tubes begin developing in the first month after a child is conceived; during a time many women aren't even aware that they're pregnant. Doctors recommend heavy doses of folic acid throughout the first three months of your pregnancy. You can also get folic acid naturally by eating nuts, beans, citrus fruit, and leafy green veggies. Getting folic acid through a natural diet, while also taking drug store supplements are highly recommended during pregnancy.

Get Iron And Calcium Supplements

You'll also want to take iron supplements, since the supplement makes sure that the proper amount of oxygen is being transported through the blood stream for you and your baby. Calcium is beneficial to pregnant mothers, because some women tend to lose bone density throughout the pregnancy. Taking doses of calcium supplements will ward off this loss of bone density.

Consult Your Solo Practitioner Every Step Of The Way

As always, talk to your doctor before beginning heavy doses of vitamins and supplements. Some vitamins, prenatal vitamins especially, may make you nauseous, so doctors can provide alternatives, such as liquid forms or chewables. Your doctor, one like Florham Park OB/GYN Dr. Donald Chervenak MD, might also be able to recommend other foods, supplements or practices to follow to ensure the health of yourself and your baby. 

The road to developing a healthy, happy baby can be long and emotional, so make sure you're taking every step possible to make it smooth. Do your research to learn how best to remain healthy during your pregnancy.
